Support Trauma Counselors in Ukraine
Brenda Poor

Ukrainians have suffered significant trauma from the war, with little assistance available for those experiencing anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Global Care Force is providing community trauma counselors in Ukraine with the tools, resources, and a support network necessary to help people in their community suffering from trauma through the coping and healing process.

In early February, 50 people participated in a joint training program specifically designed to empower lay people with the tools and resources to facilitate small group and one-on-one healing sessions in their local communities. Our goal is to have over 100 community-based counselors embedded throughout Ukraine by the end of 2023.

The first cohort of Global Care Force sponsored counselors will conduct weekly counseling sessions in their communities. In addition, they will recruit and train additional counselors, and participate in continuing education sessions.

Please make a gift today in support of the trauma counseling program!

If you have any questions, call or email Global Care Force at 913.489.7500 or