by | Mar 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Global Care Force is preparing to mobilize medical volunteers to the El Paso, Texas border. We need your help, specifically, your car! Volunteers need reliable transportation for onsite use, and each donated car saves us thousands of dollars. The migration crisis at...
by | Mar 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
March 19, 2023 Лікарі волонтерської місії за два дні прийняли 150 мешканців Миколаївської області ( Doctors of the American volunteer mission Global Care Force again visited Snigurivka, Yevgenivka and Novopetrovske, which were under occupation. Doctors...
by | Mar 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
February 2, 2023 Дитина, що боїться засинати, та побитий пенсіонер: наслідки окупації, що побачили лікарі Global Care Force у Снігурівці ( A child who is afraid to fall asleep and a beaten pensioner: the consequences of the occupation, as seen by Global...