New Opportunity: Serve in Jordan in 2025

Be part of the inaugural team responding to the humanitarian crisis in Jordan

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What We Do

Global Care Force connects volunteers with organizations & provides compassionate care to people around the world. In the process, we transform lives through volunteerism. Join the Force!

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Response at the Southern Border

Volunteers provide care in El Paso, Texas

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We Strive to Make a Difference

Our purpose is to transform lives through volunteerism. We connect people with opportunities to share their time and talents, providing compassionate care with respect for all cultures and faiths. 

We achieve our mission by equipping individuals and groups with fundraising tools and resources to raise awareness and financial support for their volunteer service.

“Whatever it takes” is the heartbeat of every compassionate volunteer and generous donor who are part of Global Care Force’s efforts to serve people around the world.

Our Volunteers Have Heart

Global Care Force volunteers are special people who know the joy and fulfillment of volunteerism. Partnering with Global Care Force is truly a transformative experience, and many of our volunteers are inspired to live a life of service. Are you ready to answer the call to serve? 

Your Generosity Goes a Long Way

We achieve our mission through the generous support of donors. Global Care Force is committed to helping partner organizations serving those who need help. Your gift sends volunteers and medical supplies to communities around the globe.

Doing Whatever It Takes

Global Care Force evolved from COVID Care Force. COVID Care Force increased the awareness of those who need help every day, and not just during a crisis. Global Care Force provides that help. Since 2020:

Volunteer Teams

Hours of Service

People Served

Read our recent news!

March 17, 2025

Colorado Newspaper Reports on Volunteer Bob Downs on Returning to Ukraine

Not many people would say they can’t wait to return to a country at war – but Bob Downs isn’t most people. A retired Physician Assistant from Colorado, he is heading back to Ukraine with Global Care Force for a fourth time in April to provide medical care to the Ukrainian people. He talks about…
March 4, 2025

Global Care Force’s Promise to Ukraine

As tensions rise concerning the war, one thing remains clear: the people of Ukraine still need urgent medical care. No matter the political climate, Global Care Force stands firm in our mission to provide life-saving medical support to those in need. Will you join us in our commitment to stand alongside the Ukrainian people?
March 4, 2025

Friends of the Force: David Thornburgh

David Thornburgh is one of many friends of the Force. He says by giving regularly, he feels a connection to the volunteers in the field and it is his way of making them know they are appreciated.

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