Tell us a little about yourself. What is your background, and where are you from?
I’m a Physician Assistant. I completed a PA program in Kettering, Ohio. I’ve been a PA for 27 years, the first 17 years in emergency medicine at a level one trauma center, and the last 10 years in a small rural health clinic in Colorado. Prior to PA school, I had been a paramedic and flight paramedic for 17 years. I grew up in Alexandria, Virginia, and went to undergrad at Virginia Tech in forestry and wildlife management.
How did you get involved with volunteering with Global Care Force?
I was wondering about volunteering for mission work, something that I had always wanted to do. However, with raising a family I never could find the time or afford to do it. One day, I did a Google search about volunteering in Ukraine and Global Care Force came up in the search. The rest is history.
Have you had previous volunteer experience with other organizations?
Only with domestic disasters associated with my EMS career.
You are volunteering for the third time in Ukraine. What keeps you returning to serve with the Mobile Medical Teams?
I keep coming back because I believe in the mission and how it’s structured to provide primary care and continuity to people who have been displaced and are in need in Ukraine.
Volunteers fundraise to support their volunteer service. Often, people want to do more to help communities in crisis, like those you will serve in Ukraine, but it’s not feasible for them to volunteer. Do you believe that supporting volunteers in their fundraising is a way for others to feel they are making a difference?
I definitely believe in the mission. If a benefactor cannot support it in person, they can give as much as possible within their means to support a team member. This is a wonderful way of supporting and continuing the mission.
Any stories you can share, whether a patient (first name only), Ukraine staff member, or other volunteer that made an impact on you? What memories will stay with you?
The Ukrainian staff are phenomenal people who believe in the mission and work very hard to support it. I would have trouble naming one individual because all those I have worked with have been incredible and exceptionally helpful with translation and understanding Ukrainian culture. From Dr. Lev, the medical director, to Liubov, our guide and pharmacist, to the translators, they made my two previous missions very productive. And I appreciate that I can call them friends.
Studies have shown that volunteering offers significant health benefits. Global Care Force believes that serving others can transform your life. Would you agree and why?
The benefits of thinking outside of yourself to help others in need are immeasurable. The camaraderie and sharing of cultures is an enriching experience I will value forever.
If someone is considering volunteering with Global Care Force, whether in Ukraine or elsewhere, what would you tell them?
I have found Global Care Force to be a phenomenal organization. They have helped in every facet of volunteering on their missions. From fundraising to educating me on what to expect, to getting me to the country, and then providing support and personnel to guide the team, Global Care Force was there.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with Global Care Force?
I have enjoyed sharing my experiences on these two previous missions with people in my community who have supported me. I also had the good fortune of making the acquaintance of another PA colleague who is a new graduate. I had some questions and concerns about going on her first trip. It gave me the opportunity to mentor her prior to her trip. Having been a preceptor to many allied health profession students in my career, I appreciated getting the opportunity to do this.
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