Tell us a little about yourselves and how you got involved with volunteering?
We are a retired couple but have volunteered throughout our lives. Becky’s parents set that example of volunteering far into their retirement, and we hope to do the same.
How did you hear about Global Care Force?
We have known of Global Care Force Founder Dr. Gary Morsch through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) and volunteered under Roxanne Jones, Director of Global Programs, in Armenia and Ukraine.
Becky, you volunteered in Ukraine with Global Care Force’s first Mobile Medical Team. Was that experience why you wanted to volunteer again with Global Care Force?
Yes, and the desire to meet needs here at home.
Did you seek a volunteer experience that you could do as a husband and wife team? Have you volunteered before together?
We look for experiences we can participate in together. We volunteered in Mexico many times, helping with medical care and construction.
Becky, this volunteer experience had to be different from your service in Ukraine. Tell us about this experience.
The border is different in many ways; I understand Spanish but needed a translator in Ukraine. The pace in El Paso is very flexible but laid back. Once you arrive there is no daily travel like in Ukraine. It is also very safe and secure, just as in Ukraine. The patients are very thankful that someone cares and appreciative of the medical care and warm smile from a stranger.
Bruce, you are not a medical volunteer like Becky. What type of things did you do to serve?
I worked with the shelter manager on a few maintenance items within my skill set. We were housed within the NCM compound in El Paso, and there were several landscaping needs that I enjoyed tackling during our stay there.
Can you share any stories, whether of a patient or staff member, that impacted you? What memories will stay with you?
The consistent heartbreaking stories of many of our guests from Venezuela are that of arduous, risky travel, leaving loved ones behind, having needed medicines confiscated, and the hope of a safer future. It is a vivid reminder of all they endure and what we often take for granted. It compels one to help, and each story impacts our hearts. The shelter’s manager is an example of all that is good in this world. He speaks with authority but kindness, cares for his guests, is quick to respond to their needs, and he serves with compassion. One day I was sharing my observations with him and thanking him for the way he interacts with his guests, who are my patients. He shared that he knew what it was like to be hopeless as he had been rescued from living under a bridge by El Paso Rescue Mission and they helped him rebuild his life. That restoration compels him to serve and his love and compassion shine brightly bringing hope to weary people.
Is volunteering together one of the secrets to a good marriage? Or at least a reminder of the blessings you have in life?
Absolutely yes! It definitely puts the focus on what is truly important and all that we have been fortunate to have in our own lives. It gives us perspective and purpose. We highly recommend volunteering in whatever way that works for each.
If someone is considering volunteering at the Southern Border or with Global Care Force, what would you tell them?
Volunteering at the Southern Border is truly worth it. There is a lovely place to stay and the pace is different every day. You might have few patients one day but many the next. Volunteering at the border might be a great fit if you are looking to meet a need and make a difference in someone’s life with minimal travel and expense. The food is delicious as well. (:
What else about your experience with GCF you would like to share?
GCF is a great organization with a clear purpose, both here in the USA and throughout the world, wherever the need may be. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve with GCF.